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Hydraulically mixed digester - reference list


  •  3.500 m³ - Digester volume
  • Manure and organic residues
  • Steel tanks
Client Country Digester Feed Digester Volume Start-up
KQT AUT Primary and settling tank sludge and waste activated sludge 2 x 2.700 m³ 2024
Agrospecservice UKR sugar beet chips 4 x 5.000 m³ 2020
W.P. AUT Manure and food waste 2.700 m³ 2018
T.S. AUT Primary and settling tank sludge and waste activated sludge 2.700 m³ 2015
Wlodawa POL Manure and food waste 3.500 m³ 2013
SIF Energy USA Fruit and vegetable waste 2 x 3.500 m³ 2009
Methau DEU Cow manure 3.000 m³ 2005
Bruchsal DEU Energy crops, manure 2.000 m³ 2004
T.S. AUT Primary and settling tank sludge and waste activated sludge 2.700 m³ 2004
Statny Majetok Batka SVK Manure 2 x 2.500 m³ 1993
Statny Statek Bilovec CZE Manure 3 x 2.500 m³ 1992
Statny StateK Presov SVK Manure 3 x 2.500 m³ 1991
MAV Gent BEL Manure, Primary and settling tank and waste activated sludge, kitchen waste, organic sorted household waste, food stuff processing waste 4 x 3.000 m³ 1999
ERC Energie Recycling Landkreis Cham DEU Organic sorted houshold waste 650 m³ 1996
LRZ Neukirchen DEU Manure and organic residues 3.000 m³ 1996
Bi-Utec GmbH DEU Kitchen waste 300 m³ 1994
Hans Spiller DEU Manure and organic residues 300 m³ 1994
ARA Vorderland AUT Primary and settling tank and waste activated sludge 1.200 m³ 1993
Biogas Schlierbach AUT Manure and organic residues 350 m³ 1993
Franz Linsbod AUT Manure and slaughter house waste 250 m³ 1992
Biogas Miesenbach AUT Manure and fat sludge 310 m³ 1991
ARA Conserva Calvo ESP Vegetable processing waste water 940 m³ 1991
Johann Pöllmann AUT Manure 100 m³ 1990
Manfred Grabner AUT Manure and fruit distillery slops 100 m³ 1989