Hygienisation system

Pressureless pasteurisation 70°C and pressure sterilisation 133°C.

The AAT hygienisation system is used for (EU conforming) heat treatment of organic waste products which are further processed in biogas plants.

Depending on the use as well as type and quantity of the substrate, a multitude of tried and tested plant configurations are available,

They comprise from the most simple configurations with a double-jackted tank to three-tank plant with seperate heating, hygienisation and cooling.

Depending on the local conditions and the requested performance, the plant can be heated by water, thermal oil or direct stream.

The heath exchangers used have a very high heat transfer performance and large cross-sections for high efficiency.

The agitators are extremely robust and maintenance friendly.


  • Hygienisation temperature: 70°C or 133°C
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating by double shell or heat exchanger
  • Heat transfer through direct stream, water or thermal oil
  • Several filler and relief pipe ends
  • Several Measuring socket
  • Heat recovery
  • Construction from 1 to 500 m³ per day
  • Reliable agitators


  • Upon request we supply individual controls with a data logger for authorities.
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