The first AAT-biogas plant in Brazil and the first foodwaste treatment plant in Brazil
The plant treats about 170 tons of market- and grocey store waste as well as the sludge of the neighbouring waste waster treatment plant and produces 2.4 MW of electrical energie. It's the first biogas plant of this kind in Brazil.
Other facts about the plant:
-input materials: Market and grocery store waste and sludge
-gas production: up to 23.000m³ a day
-Power: 2.4. MW electrical
-Volume of the 2 digesters: 10.000m³
Finishing in 2018
AAT Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik GmbH
Konrad Doppelmayr Straße 17
6960 Wolfurt
Tel.: +43/5574/65190-0
Fax.: +43/5574/65190-99